100 things Wiki

Here are the 100 things we submitted (pending substitutions; see below for list of NAMES, TERMS, PHENOMENA, THEORIES, and METHODS subsumed in these 100 things):

1 Stroop effect
2 Classical conditioning
3 Baddeley's working memory model
4 Gestalt theory and principles
5 Supervisory Attentional System (automatic and controlled)
6 Prospect theory (Tversky & Kahneman)
7 Cognition: definition
8 Source monitoring failures
9 Operant conditioning
10 Cocktail party phenomenon
11 Donders subtractive technique
12 SNARC effect
13 Executive function (Miyake's model)
14 Change blindness
15 Gf, Gc, g (CHC theory)
16 False memory (suggestibility)
17 Universal grammar (Chomsky)
18 Forgetting curve (Ebbinghaus)
19 Piaget's stages of cognitive development
20 Selfridge's Pandemonium
21 Recency effect
22 Munsterberg's applied psych (forensic, industry)
23 Categorization: definition
24 Primacy effect
25 Signal detection theory
26 Prosopagnosia and Capgras syndrome
27 Metacognition
28 Prospective memory
29 Mental rotation
30 Miller's magic number
31 The brain (cognitive neuroscience)
32 Social brain hypothesis
33 Imagery debate (propositional vs pictorial)
34 Cognitive dissonance
35 Prototype theory (Rosch)
36 Episodic and Semantic memory
37 Cognitive bias
38 McGurk effect
39 Central capacity theory (Kahneman's resources)
40 Priming (semantic, repetition) effects
41 Ecological validity
42 Temporal discounting
43 Modal model (Atkinson & Shiffrin)
44 Dissociation/Double dissociation (e.g., Broca/Wernicke)
45 William James (Principles of Psychology)
46 EC Tolman (latent learning, cognitive maps, purposive behaviorism)
47 Social cognition theory  (Bandura, observational learning)
48 State- and Context-dependent memory effects
49 Top-down/Bottom-up
50 Statistical learning
51 Stimulus salience and Attention capture
52 Retroactive and Proactive Interference
53 Neisser's Cognitive Psychology (1967)
54 Tip of the Tongue phenomenon
55 Posner's Attention Networks (orient, alert, executive)
56 Cognitive Revolution
57 Levels of Processing / Elaborative Encoding (Craik & Lockhart)
58 Functional Fixedness / Mental Set
59 Modularity of Mind (Fodor)
60 Learning Set (Harlow)
61 Kahneman's Dual Systems Approaches to Decisions
62 Gambler's and Hot-hand fallacies
63 Spreading Activation Model (Collins & Quillian)
64 Attachment Theory (Bowlby, Ainsworth, Harlow)
65 Recall v Recognition
66 Heuristics
67 Rosalie Rayner
68 Nudges (Thaler)
69 Hebbian learning
70 Lashley's Laws of Mass Action and Equipotentiality
71 Sequential v Parallel Processing (e.g., SPR v Pop-out effects)
72 Frustration-Aggression hypothesis
73 Folk Psychology (cross-cultural, intuitive physics)
74 DRM paradigm/Reconstrutive (gist) memory/Bartlett
75 Feature Integration Theory and Illusory Conjunctions (Treisman)
76 Herbert Simon (bounded rationality, AI, satisficing)
77 Counterfactual thinking
78 Productive thinking/insight/phi phenomenon (Wertheimer)
79 Transcranial Doppler Sonography (Neuroimaging techniques)
80 Theory of Mind
81 Yerkes-Dodson Law
82 Mirror Self-Recognition
83 Psychophysics/Weber-Fechner Law/thresholds and JNDs
84 Ape (and other animal) Language Research
85 Procedural v Declarative memory / H.M.
86 Object Permanence
87 Paul Meehl and criticisms of cognitive psychology
88 Framing effects
89 Embodied/Grounded Cognition (Barsalou, Lakoff, Rosch)
90 Agency
91 Word frequency/superiority/length effects
92 Hindsight bias
93 Remember/Know paradigm (familiarity vs recollection)
94 Anthropomorphism
95 Consciousness and Solipsism
96 Split-brain research (Roger Sperry)
97 Deficit-based case studies (H.M./E.P./G.Y./Phineas Gage/Dr P)
98 Choice overload
99 Complex-span measures of WMC and its relation to processing speed, etc
100 Déjà vu

Knowing these 100 things means knowing who THESE PEOPLE ARE (at a minimum):

J. Ridley Stroop
Ivan Pavlov
Alan Baddeley
Kohler, Koffka, Wertheimer
Schiffrin & Schneider
Tversky & Kahneman
Franciscus Donders
Akira Miyake
Cattell, Horn, Carroll
Elizabeth Loftus
Noam Chomsky
Hermann Ebbinghaus
Jean Piaget
Daniel Schacter
Oliver Selfridge
Hugo Munsterberg
Roger Shepard
George Miller
Kosslyn, Pylyshyn
Leon Festinger
Eleanor (Heider) Rosch
Endel Tulving
Daniel Kahneman
Donald Broadbent
Donald Norman
Christopher Wickens
Atkinson & Shiffrin
Paul Broca, Carl Wernicke
William James
Edward C Tolman
Albert Bandura
Ulric Neisser
Michael Posner
Craik & Lockhart
Jerry Fodor
Harry Harlow
Collins & Quillian
Mary Ainsworth
John Bowlby
Rosalie Rayner
Richard Thaler
Donald O. Hebb
Karl Lashley
Robert Sternberg
Herbert Simon
Roddy Roediger
Frederic Bartlett
Anne Treisman
Max Wertheimer
Robert Yerkes
Gordon Gallup
David Premack
Gustav Fechner
John Anderson
Penfield, Milner, Corkin
Paul Meehl
B.F. Skinner
Edward Thorndike
George Lakoff
Larry Barsalou
Daniel Wegner
Roger Sperry
Phineas Gage
Lawrence Weiskrantz
Randy Engle
Timothy Salthouse
Anne Cleary

Knowing these 100 things means understanding THESE EFFECTS, PHENOMENA, OR THEORIES:

Stroop Effect
Classical Conditioning
Prospect Theory
Source monitoring failures
Operant Conditioning
Cocktail party phenomenon
SNARC effect
Change blindness
False memories
Forgetting curve
Stages of cog development
Primacy and Recency effects
Serial Position curve
Signal detection theory
Mental rotation
Magic number 7 +- 2
Social brain hypothesis
McGurk effect
Central capacity theory
Priming (semantic, repetition)
Temporal discounting
Modal model
Social cognition theory
State-dependent memory
Context-dependent memroy
Attention capture
Retroactive interference
Proactive interference
Release from PI
Tip of Tongue phenomenon
Levels of Processing
Functional fixedness
Modularity of mind
Learning set
Gambler's fallacy
Hot-hand fallacy
Spreading Activation model
Attachment Theory
Hebbian Learning
Law of Mass Action
Law of Equipotentiality
Frustration-aggression hypothesis
Cross-cultural effects 
Feature integration theory
Phi phenomenon
Theory of Mind
Yerkes-Dodson Law
Weber-Fechner Law
Framing effects
Embodied/Grounded cog
Word superiority effect
Word frequency effect
Word length effect
(Word) concreteness effect
Hindsight bias
Remember/Know paradigm

Déjà vu

Knowing these 100 things means being able to define and discuss THESE TERMS AND METHODS:

Unconditioned Stimulus, Conditioned Stimulus, Unconditioned Response, Conditioned Response, contingency
Working memory
similarity, proximity, closure, continuation, common fate, connectedness and good form (pragnanz)
automatic v controlled, supervisory attentional system v contention scheduling, consistent mapping v varied mapping
Subtractive method, mental chronometry
Reinforcement, Negative reinforcement (relief), punishment, negative punishment (penalty)
Selective attention, shadowing, attention capture
Inhibition, updating, flexibility
g, crystallized intelligence, fluid intelligence
Universal grammar, syntactic structures, transformational grammar
Transience, suggestibility, misattribution, blocking, absent-mindedness, bias, persistence (seven sins)
Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete and Formal Operational
applied psychology, eye witness testimony
Categorization; concept
Hits, misses, false alarms, correct rejections
Prosopagnosia, Capgras syndrome
Prospective memory, event-based, time-based
Analog (depictive) v propositional (descriptive) imagery
Brain (cognitive neuro)
Cognitive dissonance
Prototype, family resemblance, exemplar; typicality; superordinate/basic/subordinate
Episodic v Semantic memory
Cognitive biases
Resources, principle of complimentarity, primary v secondary task, performance or resource operating characteristics, dual-task paradigm
Ecological validity
Dissociation, double dissociation
Cognitive mapping, latent learning, purposive behaviorism
Observational learning
Top-down v Bottom-up; concept driven v data driven; stimulus control v cognitive control
Statistical learning
Stimulus Salience
executive, orienting, and alerting networks of attention
Cognitive (r)evolution
Elaborative (deep) v maintenance (shallow) rehearsal
Mental set
Thinking fast and slow (intuition v reasoning)
secure attachment, anxious attachments, disorganized attachment, strange situation paradigm, working models
Recall v Recognition
Nudges, paternal libertarianism
Serial processing, parallel (distributed) processing, serial-probe recognition paradigm, serial exhaustive memory search, pop-out effects in visual search
Folk psychology, intuitive physics
Bounded rationality, artificial intelligence, satisficing
Counterfactual thinking
DRM paradigm, gist memory, reconstructive memory
Illusory conjunctions
Productive v reproductive thinking, insight
Neuroimaging techniques: TMS, fMRI, TCD, EEG, ERP, MEG, PET, TDCS, DTI
Mirror self-recognition, mark test
False belief task
Ape language: Washoe, Nim, Sarah, Lana, Sherman, Austin, Kanzi, Panzee, Panbanisha, Chantek, Ai, Alex, Ake, Koko,etc
Psychophysics, JND, threshold
Procedural memory, retrograde v anterograde amnesia
Object Permanence, A not B
Cognitive criticisms
familiarity v recollection
Consciousness, solipsism
Split-brain studies
Deficit-based case studies
Differential psychology

Working memory capacity, processing speed
